Date |
DSE Milestone |
25 June 1947 |
Incorporation |
June 1956 |
Recording of transactions in Chopri |
Dec 1957 |
Recognition under SCRA (Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956) |
March 1982 |
Permanent recognition under SCRA |
Feb 1987 |
Beginning of computerized trading |
Feb 1988 |
Launch of DSE Index |
March 1989 |
Constitution of Investor Protection Fund |
April 1992 |
DSE Index crosses 1,000 Points |
June 1996 |
Formation of subsidiary company i.e. DSE Financial Services Limited (DFSL) |
March 1997 |
Achievement of listing of highest number of companies i.e. 3,895 Nos. |
August 1997 |
Launch of online trading platform |
Dec 1997 |
Inauguration of DSE House |
Feb 2000 |
Achievement of the highest trading volume of Rs. 1,070 crores on 28th February |
August 2007 |
Successful completion of demutualization process |
June 2009 |
Launch of Deposit-based Trading Membership (DTM) |